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How to Figure Out What Your Lawn Needs

February 18, 2016

You notice those great looking lawns in your neighborhood?  Green and Thick.  Hardly ever any weeds.  No grub problems.  So what’s their secret?  Well it’s a lot easier than you think.  Over the years I have found it boils down to putting down a few applications each year of the right stuff at the right time.

So here’s a way to get a specific guide (or program or plan) for your lawn.  Just click this link and answer a few questions to get your personalized lawn feeding schedule that not only builds a thicker, greener lawn; but also helps prevent problems along the way.  Recommendations are based on your type of grass and your neighborhood (zip code).  And if you have questions during the year, Scotts lawn consultants are a click or phone call away.  Click here to see how to get connected to this free service.

The right product at the right time is important to building a thick, sturdy lawn without wasting money on unneeded applications.

The right product at the right time is important to building a thick, sturdy lawn without wasting money on unneeded applications. (click photo to enlarge)

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  1. Fulltime Dad permalink

    Gave away the secret….LOL. It does work because all my neighbors have asked me what I have doing so I was told to expect competition this year.

  2. Hi Fulltime Dad
    If the competition gets tough, you may need to put headlights on your spreader to get an extra feeding in at night when neighbors are asleep… they will still want to know your secret!

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